
Know Her Words: Romania

Author: Gabriela Adamesteanu

Title: Voci la distanță (Voices at a distance);

Synopsis: Voices at a distance is a narrative meditation about the power of the History to change human lives. The auteure is interested inexploring a vast range of themes,with feminity not the least,in all its forms: the young women, he older women, the cheated-open women, the women that cheats, the ill-women, the women fearing its loneliness, the women who is too conceited to admit her failures. One can see,under the text, another theme,the gilt felt by both the parents and their children. Considered one of the best novels in 2022, Voci la distanță  received Union’s Writer Award, Agency for Books Aword, Liviu Rebreanu Aword and nomination at the Observator Cultural Awards.

Genre: Novel;

Year: 2022; 2023 (2nd edition);

Publisher: Polirom,Iași:

Web-site: la distanță_ed2.

Mihaela Miroiu: Aripi și rădăcini (Wings and Roots), Polirom, Iași, 2022

PEN Romania Award, 2023.

A book of interviews published by the author in the main newspapers and reviews representing her public contribution to the democratic culture, ethics in politics and women’s rights. The first part: “Feminism is a Humanism with Women included”: mostly autobiographical; the second one: “We Cannot Live Anymore with Less Liberty” represents her public attitude facing the challenges in terms of rule of law and human and minority rights.

Place from which it can be obtained.

Polirom Publishing House, Iași:

Author: Olga Ștefan;

Synopsis: In her fifth poetry collection, Resursa (The Resource), Olga Ștefan uses a powerful poetic discourse to explore major themes such as love, survival, death, salvation in an original manner, characteristic of the author’s already established style. Considered one of the best poetry collections in 2022, the volume received nominations at the Gala of the “Radio România Cultural” Awards (in the “Poetry” section), the Observator Cultural Awards, Observator Cultural Universitas Awards, the Young Writers Gala – “Young Poet of the Year,” “George Bacovia” Awards for “Poetry Book of the Year,” and Z9 Poetry Awards for “Poetry Book of the Year.”

Title: Resursa (The Resource);

Genre: Poetry;

Year: 2022; 2023 (2nd edition);

Publisher: Casa de Editură „Max Blecher”, Bistrița;


Author: Alexandra Furnea

Title: Jurnalul lui 66: Noaptea în care am ars (Diary of 66: The Night I Burned Alive)

Synopsis: Alexandra Furnea makes her literary debut with a heart wrenching memoir about the night, she truly burned alive, all metaphors aside: October 30th, 2015, when the Colectiv cub fire occurred in Bucharest. Considered one of the biggest tragedies in modern day Romania, the Colectiv club fire killed 65 people and injured almost 180 others, including Alexandra, who attended Goodbye to Gravity’s concert as a music journalist. She wanted to write a magazine article about the event, and, in many ways, her diary is just that: the review she never got to publish about a night that turned to ashes, and the pain-laden years that followed. “Jurnalul lui 66” is a real-life descensus ad inferos, taking the reader on a journey through the many sufferings the survivors of the fire endured, in a country still maimed by corruption. “Jurnalul lui 66” won the 2023 Monica Lovinescu prize for Memoirs, was a Gaudeamus Book Fair best-seller in 2022, and is currently being translated into English for Histria Books, in the USA.

Genre: Memoir

Year: 2022

Publisher: Humanitas, Bucharest


Author: Alina Purcaru

Title: More and More Splendour

Publishing House: Cartier

Year of publication: 2022

More and More Splendour is a book of feminist poetry that tackles themes such as: rebelling feminin or nonconforming bodies, friendship, the pressure of sports activities, the threat of war or growing up in an stigmatized environment.

The book is available for purchase on the publisher̛s website:

and on various other bookshops, online inclusive:

Author: Ruxandra Câmpeanu

Title: Beyond the Rules of the Game: Levels and Limits of Intellectual Compromise Between 1948 and 1964: Mihai Ralea • G. Călinescu • Tudor Vianu

Synopsis: The book sets out to examine the compromises made by Romanian intellectuals during the first two decades of communist rule. It follows three of the most prominent Romanian thinkers in the fields of aesthetics, literary criticism and literary history and analyzes their work both before and after 1948, from the standpoint of a professional ethics of the humanities.

Genre: literary history; the sociology of literature

Year of publication: 2022

Available for purchase here:

Author: Moni Stănilă

Title: Offside

Synopsis: The most obsessive games and male goals are football, religion, war – all those topics are combined in this volume of poetry. The book consists of two diaries: football and war. How a woman manifests her love for football and how she is terrified of war can be understood from the book. God is the only one who remains present where football or war is just a screen to hide the pain of talking about the impossibility of giving birth to a child. In every field she is off side.

For her poetry book Offside, she has been awarded two of the most prestigious poetry prizes in Romania, one given by the national public radio (Radio România Cultural) and the other by the magazine Observator Cultural/Cultural Observer. She also received other awards and nominations including nomination to PEN Club România.

Genre: Poetry

Year: 2022

Publisher: Nemira, Bucharest
