Read More66th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, March 2022 a Report by Lucina Kathmann When the 66th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) started, I could still not tell what was actually going to happen. They said the meetings would be “hybrid.” I had received a message
Read MorePEN International – San Miguel Centre Apdo. 287, San Miguel de Allende ~ 37700 Gto. México ~ Fax/tel (52 415) 152 0614 President, Judyth Hill ~ Vice President, Sharon Steeber Email: Report on 66th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women Elizabeth Starčević – San Miguel PEN Each time that I
Read MoreSupport Ukraine By PEN Ukraine On the 20th day of the Russian war against Ukraine we continue our fight on cultural, informational, diplomatic, voluntary and war frontlines. Russians continue shelling the civilian population using prohibited on peaceful Ukrainian cities. Since the beginning of war Russia has launched more than 900 missiles. The number of victims is so
Read MoreМанифест на жените към Международния ПЕН Първият и основополагащ принцип в Хартата на ПЕН постановява, че „литературата не познава граници”. Границите разделят държавите и народите в традиционния смисъл. За много жени по света, а за повечето относително доскоро, първата, последната, а може би и най-сериозната бариера е била вратата на дома, в който живеят. Този
Read MorePEN Internationaleko Emakumeen Manifestua PEN kartaren lehenbiziko eratze oinarriak dioenez, “literaturak ez du mugarik ezagutzen” . Ohituraz, muga horiek herri eta herrialdeen artekoak direla uste izan dugu. Munduko emakume askorentzat baina (eta emakume guztientzat ez oso aspaldiko garaietara arte) mugarik estreinako, azkeneko eta agian nabarmenena bizi zen etxekoa zen: aitaren edo senarraren etxea. Emakumeek adierazpen
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